Sunday, September 7, 2008

Problems with Teleological eithics

Teleological ethics is a ethics system based on consequences, basically considering consequences to decide what course of action. Deciding what consequences if option 1 is done instead of option 2. Teleological theorists will do whatever will bring the most happiness to a certain party I recently read an article that can be found at It discusses the problems with this ethics system. It talks about how impossible it may actually be to determine what the consequences will be of any course of action. For example when determining if a rape victims name should be printed, it is discussed how the victim will react to that. The person could be just upset or it could seriously damage them even more. Depending on the damage already caused by the rape it could cause permanent mental or damage or retaliation from the criminal or criminals family if they are not caught. Coming from this article this question is also brought up to wonder how much good things have to happen to outweigh some of the bad consequences that can happen ( I myself along with this article would worry about the good justifying the means and the good consequences. If something good happened and than also if something bad happened I would be responsible for the negative consequences, than I would be responsible, because I chose the plan of action (

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